LO2: Conduct and analyse research relevant to a chosen business research project.

  • P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a business research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.
  • P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse research findings and data.

2.1: Research as a process:
  • Research has distinct phases which support a coherent and logical argument. This includes using literature review - secondary research to inform a primary, empirical, study.
  • Individual appointments to discuss draft literature review
  • Conducting research
  • The importance of gathering data and information (qualitative or quantitative) to support research analysis.
  • Selecting sample types and sizes that are relevant to the research.
  • Considering sampling approaches and techniques including probability and non-probability sampling.
  • Research should be conducted ethically. How is this achieved and reported?
  • Research should also be reliable (similar results would be achieved from a similar sample) and valid (the research measures what it aimed to measure).
  • Using data collection tools such as interviews and questionnaires.
  • Using analytical techniques such as trend analysis, coding or typologies.
  • Experiment, Survey, Case study, Action research,
  • Grounded theory, Ethnography and Archival research