Example ...... LO4:

4.0: Discussion and conclusion

4.1 Discussion or analysis between colleagues or peers

The discussion and analysis between colleagues and peers during this research have centred how a new blended learning focus paradigm could accommodate some of the teaching, learning and assessment requirements outlined in the chief Inspector’s Annual report 2010/11. Moreover, whether the - forthcoming replacement for the - E-learning Strategy (2009-12) will outline specific time-lines and resources allocation.

Most colleagues’ analysis of the ILFEC’s: Learner First Observation Policy believes that it will settle down into a productive enhancement of quality. However, the “Advanced Teacher Programme” - unpinning training in this area-is under threat due to the limitations of the remuneration package attached to the scheme i.e. at present the college is finding it difficult to entice the right candidates to the posts.

My peers feel that professional development programmes, such as, a Learning Management System (LMS) - Moodle (2) - pilot project are too reliant on the goodwill of staff –in that, colleagues have to volunteer their free time to get it up and running. Notwithstanding, the IT develop course –although not widely attended –are making a positive contribution toward merging offline and online teaching practice.

The Business Systems Development Group is seen as a mystery to most colleagues; but the Skills for Life Strategy (2012-2015) and Learning Plus: Employability and Skills pathway are deemed as good potential candidates for blended learning approach; in particular, benefiting from (BLA) capacity for economies of both scope and scale i.e. units can be bolted onto other courses.

4.2: Relating research to broader educational issues 

The decision by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to re-classify FE college sector –as no longer being a part of central government-means that FE colleges will have more freedoms as independent bodies to implement (BLA) programmes due to reduced bureaucracy.

The Secretary of State (Peter Lauener) announced on 5thJuly 2012 that for 2013/14 a new funding system will be introduced to support the raising of the participation age and the introduction of study programmes for young people. Key points relating to the use of Blended Learning approach (BLA) include:
  • A standard rate of funding for each student weighted for necessary course costs, retention and with additional funding for those at a disadvantage all adjusted for area costs;
  • Success rates removed from the formula free up institutions so that they can deliver innovative and flexible programmes of study, including non-qualification bearing activities such as work experience
  • Simpler data and audit systems required to feed the formula.
Notwithstanding, significant on-going budgetary constraints are pointing FE colleges towards (BLA), which offer (learning objects) + (personalised pedagogies) combined with the benefits of economies of scope and scale. As stated at the start of this report, the FE sector faces the challenge - presented to them by Ofsted (2012) - of reversing falling UK productivity, by increasing their organisational emphasis on teaching, learning and assessment. The achievement of minimum levels of performance can be assisted by (BLA) programmes that encourage flexibility, mobility and diversity of delivery.

4.3: Resultant future learning/ professional development needs. 

Reproduced by permission of ILF (Institute for Learning) - January 2009.IFL (2009) stated that: "The Institute for Learning (IfL) dual professional CPD model has evolved over the past years and it serves the needs of our members: teachers and trainers across the further education and skills sector. 

There are three key elements that make it such a good fit: 
  • Dual professionalism fits the particular experience of teachers and trainers in the FE and skills sector where the individual further develops their vocational or subject expertise, and excellent teaching and training.
  • Professional values developed by and for members underpin the philosophy of professional development and the code of professional practice.
  • Professional practice and research to identify and ground effective CPD for FE and skills practitioners.
"Currently, one of the major drivers of change at the ILFEC is the role of "Advance Teachers". The purpose of this role is to help to move forward innovation in teaching and learning at the college by equipping and empowering teaching colleagues through mentoring, dissemination of good practice, delivering training and being involved in other projects with the context of the College’s ‘Excellence through Learner First’ strategy.

A resultant future professional development need -identified in this research - is to cultivate a group of highly professional teachers who also have the due capacity to cascade learning technology down to teachers from traditional offline learning environments. The IFL’s model provides the blue-print for this development, which would ultimately provide the ILFEC with the core competencies required to generate the USPs required to out-perform its competitors. 

Also it would expedite the process of change at the ILFEC i.e. (BLA) Early Adopters, Diffusion and Later Adopters – as outlined in Rogers (1962, p.14) S-curve of diffusion.